Why is peace so hard? she said & I said peace is easy.
Keeping our mouths shut is hard.

~ Brian Andreas

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The month of 'love' is up....

Tomorrow begins a new month and a new focus. I think this has been a good month reflecting on self-love. Loving and accepting oneself inside and out. The 'you' and the 'body'. Funny.... as I've been scrapping and organizing photos and seeing older pics of myself I started thinking, hey, maybe I wasn't all that ugly. LOL There are definitely photos that are less flattering than others. Some definitely not much attractive, but all-in-all, I think I cringe a just a little less at the bad ones and think not too shabby of the better ones.
I've been putting on makeup almost every day because it makes me look better. And when you look better, you feel better. I'm getting new glasses (precipitated by having mine knocked into and off my face with a basketball) that I think will be an improvement, too. Now, if I could just get a new wardrobe...... LOL
It was actually the death of Whitney Houston this month that made me think about putting the effort into makeup every day. She was beautiful. I'm sure she had her less than stellar moments (as a matter of fact, some were caught on camera) but any time she was made up, she was simply beautiful. I don't know, she just made me want to make the effort to look good.
Next month is a continuation of that.... but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out exactly what it is!

1 comment:

TR said...

I'm learning to love the me God made. I've always thought of myself as Daddy's lil fat girl. I was not that heavy. Yes, as a little little girl but as I got 6, 7, 8 yrs old I was a "normal" size and as a teen I was quite slender. Pretty. Not bad over all. Probably because I was always hungry due to lack of food. sigh. Yeah, they say my dad did the best he could..... mmm hmmm that's another story.
On to me. Today. I'm looking fine. Nearing another weight loss goal. And accepting that I am who I am. That DH married me for me and not a 135 lb movie star.
I have many friends and they love me for me too. They are always telling how nice I look and just how my life has affected them. I'm learning to believe truth when I hear it.
The truth in this matter is:

I love me.

I'm pretty. Just as I am.

I'm a really nice person, giving and loving.

That's me..... :~}