Why is peace so hard? she said & I said peace is easy.
Keeping our mouths shut is hard.

~ Brian Andreas

Friday, March 16, 2012

Here comes the sun.....

doo doo doo doo....
Ok, it will tomorrow. Today it rained. And I spent all day on the computer. And if you visit my other blog here you will see what I was doing.
Hopefully, the coming week's forecast doesn't change because it's going to be a beauty!
As always, there's going to be a downside though and a price to pay. Probably literally. Because all this nice weather means that the trees may bloom early and if that happens it could kill the fruit blossoms since we could still get quite cold weather. Blossom time is very important for fruit production!
However, I'm going to enjoy the lovely weather. Yes I am!

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